Windrush 100!

It was wonderful to be at the House of Commons on Thursday 7th December for the launch of #Windrush100, which builds on the incredible success of #Windrush75!

My continued thanks to my friend Patrick Vernon (above right) and Sunder Katwala of British Future (above left) for their incredible efforts spearheading this important campaign that combines celebrating the achievements of the Windrush Generation with continuing to campaign for meaningful Windrush Justice.

BSWN Race and Justice conference

It was such an honour to host Black South West Network’s (BSWN) first ever ‘Race and Justice’ conference, which took place on Thursday 14th September 2023 in Bristol.

The conference explored ideas and actions needed to widen Access to Justice for people living in the South West of England, particularly Black and Minoritised communities living in the region. Continue reading “BSWN Race and Justice conference”

Justice for the Windrush Generation

Thank you so much to Garrick Prayogg and Roland Houslin from Justice For Windrush Generations, for inviting the Windrush Justice Clinic (on whose board I sit) to the House of Commons on the evening of Wednesday 22nd March, to address the community, and supportive MPs and peers, on the work we are doing to help Windrush victims obtain compensation.