More is definitely in George Mitchell School!

THIS excellent news about George Mitchell school’s 2009 GCSE results has made my summer.

To compare this to where we were last summer shows just what can be achieved when communities gives strong moral support to teachers working in schools like George Mitchell; when teachers instill a ‘can do’ attitude in pupils no matter what their background; and when Government gives schools like George Mitchell as much funding and outside intervention as they need – instead of giving the impression that it would rather support those who steal from them.

Formidable George Mitchell Headteacher Helen Jeffery has issued a press release celebrating the results, which you can download HERE.

Four years after I became properly involved with the school, I remain proud and grateful that its excellent teachers remain strongly committed to George Mitchell, resulting in much needed stability for the pupils who go there.

Well done again to all of George Mitchell school’s superb teachers for continuing to give Leyton ward’s future generations a brighter future.